

這兩位是我們的導遊 - (右) Yeshi (左) Pema!哥兒倆好呢~ 只差沒有手牽手...

This were our tour guides - (L) Pema & (R) Yeshi!!  Oh see... they were walked together~ Holding Arms... How sweet!!!! (Michael, you know what I mean!!)


這位帥哥是Yeshi!他是我們第一天的導遊,第2-6天的司機。他在別人的blog很有名呢~ 根據那位格友所說︰「帥哥導遊Yeshi... 才24歲卻已經結婚,而且只陪我們兩天... 真遺憾,離開那天看到他換穿夾克外套及牛仔褲,帥勁十足,女同伴們好喜歡他。」文中還有說看到Dechen (SBT的老闆,那位格友說他像張學友) 和Yeshi 穿著Gho卻揹著數個包,模樣還蠻好笑。


Here is Yeshi!!!  He was our tour guide for Day 1, and driver on Day 2-6.  He was famous in other blog.  According to other blogger said, "Our handsome tour guide - Yeshi, he was 24 years old but he was already married.  He only stayed with us for 2 days... What's a pity!!  The day that he left, he was wore a jacket and jeans.  He was so good looking.  All the female fellows loved him very much..." The article also mentioned that it was so interesting to see Dechen (the director of SBT - That blogger called him "Jackie Cheng") & Yeshi carried some bags by wore Gho. 

So... quite disappointed to know that Yeshi was married??  Well... If you really want to know is he marry or not?  You better ask him yourself!!!

放一張照片去破壞他的帥氣形象 !! 給大家看一張Yeshi 露半腿照~ 他是要幫我找黑頸crane (Crane中文我不會打啦!) 後來一隻都沒找到! 反而Pema找到兩隻給我看!

Destory his handsome image!!!  Yeshi was looking for the black-neck crane, but he didn't find any   Pema found two cranes for me to took pictures with



Yeshi 口袋裡的秘密... Yeshi - the secret inside his big pocket!!!!

男生穿不丹國服 Gho 真的很好,什麼東西都可以放進肚子前的口袋裡... 有點像古代人把東西放在袖口裡一樣!他有的是導遊証 和 電話... 沒電話他會死,一天到晚都在講電話!不丹電話費一定很便宜對了! 我沒有拍Pema的big pocket因為他裡面沒東西呀!

The boys in Bhutan wear Gho - Bhutan's traditional dress for men... Is so good to wear Gho, because they can put everything inside their big pockets... just like the Chinese men used to put their stuffs inside their sleeve in the ancient periods.   Let's see what's inside Yeshi's big pocket?  Well, tour guide license and Cellphone.  Yeshi cannot survive without his cellphone, he talked anytime anywhere once he was free form us... I think the toll in Bhutan must be very cheap!!  And where is Pema's big pocket??  I didn't take any picture of Pema's BP, because it had nothing inside it!!!


下圖這位可愛的導遊是Pema!他是我們第2-6天的導遊!哈哈~ 他看似正經,但這幾天旅途上已經比我帶壞了!嘩哈哈哈哈~

This sweet tour guide is Pema!!!  haha ... He looked serious, but he was being a little naugthy because of me!!!  I leaded him into an astray!!! Wahahahaaa~


他們兩人都是很好玩的人,有他們在旅途中一定不會無聊!好想念他們哦~ 在越南除了莎莉﹑小虎﹑Yami 和小P之外,都沒有人可以給我這樣玩... 因為同事他們年紀都... 太成熟了!可以當我父母啦!還可以玩麼?Yeshi & Pema,我很期待下次再碰到你們~

Both of them were fun to tease and play with.  It was so great to have them along with us.  I miss you two a lot!!!  No one over in Vietnam that I can have fun and tease with except my lovely Sally, Little Tiger, Yami & PP  ...  My other colleagues are quite... mature... just like my parents and brother...

Yeshi & Pema, I am looking forward to meet up with you guy again.  See you soon?!?!

P.S. Michael, if you are looking at this.  If you run into Chili KaKa, Please say HI for me!!!!  hee~


Mur Mur:

這次沒有幫傳說中的張學友Dechen,SBT的老闆拍照!可惜~ Yeshi 和Pema要接下一團,所以張學友送我們去機場!

Oh... I forgot to take picture of Dechen (Jackie Wangdi!!!! The director of SBT)  What's a pity!!  Yeshi and Pema had another tour, so Jackie Dechen took us to the airport!!! 


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