Beers is the favourite's drink for my superior, everyone in our office know about this. He didn't give up any chance for drinking beers in Bhutan. My wallet was getting thinner and thinner, and all I can do it sign~
1. Druk 10000, Yeshi's 推薦 (recommended) !! 8% of Alcohol~ 我比較喜歡這個!I like this one the best!!!
2. Lager Premier Beer only 5% of Alcohol ~ Tasted OK!! 這個還好!
3. 最特別的啤酒 The most special one - Red Panda Beer!! 5% of Alcohol~
沒過濾的哦~ 純天然的酵母!!! No filtered, with natural yeast
某天因為 Yeshi 趕不上開路時間,所以我們等了一小時... 期間看到一些小食攤!Yeshi說他肚子餓,而我只是嘴饞而已!所以他就買了一些小食來吃!
One day, Yeshi cannot catched up on the Opening time, so we stucked in the middle of the highway, In the meanwhile, Yeshi said he was hungry, so he decided to buy some snacks from some roadside stand.
這就是他買的小食!我嘴饞一直吃他的!這是薄餅加上自製辣椒!我的貓呀~ 很好吃呢~ 阿嬸把青辣椒切成蔥狀不知道加了什麼東東去弄,非常的好吃!超級想跟她買一罐辣椒回來~ 害我一口接一口,快把Yeshi的早餐吃完了.... 不好意思啦!
This was what he bought - it was Nan with homemade chili sauce!! Oh my cat~ so delicious!!! I love it so much! I really want to buy the chili sauce from her if she has some!! I was so greedy... Poor Yeshi had to share his breakfast with me!!
我完全不知道是什麼東東?乾的辣椒?Yeshi 和 Pema說是把辣椒包一些麵粉糊下去炸一下子30秒拿出來!感覺不太好...
And I have no idea what the cat is that?!?! Dry Chili??? Yeshi and Pema said Chili wrap with flour and deep fried for 30 second and up... whatever.... not my taste!!!
終於又開始上路... 沒多久Yeshi 一直問我喜不喜歡吃粟米?我說可以呀!他又停車... 這個女的賣什麼呀?木炭呀?
Finally, we went on our road trip again... no for long... Yeshi asked me if I like some corn? As you know, I am so greedy, so I said Yes. Then Yeshi stopped the car again.... I wondered what did this women selling???? Wood???
把相機zoom過去看!是粟米呢~ Let's zoom in!! Is Corn!!!!
Yeshi was picking our corn!! I had to share with my superior, and Yeshi had his own... Pema... seemed like he didn't pick any....
以上就是我們一點點吃喝心得... 謝謝Yeshi~~ Thank you Yeshi!!!!! I can't believe how greedy I was.... hee hee