不丹的貨幣現在全都是紙幣了!! 20Ch [chhertum (called chetrums on coins until 1979)], 25Ch, 50 Ch 和 1Nu 也蠻少人用的。印度在建立不丹的經濟系統起了主導作用,在1974年之前,不丹沒有自己的貨幣。1974年起發行努爾特魯姆(藏文 dngul-kram),簡寫為Nu。不丹的經濟部門規定兩國貨幣價值同等,兌換率1:1維持不變到現在,也是和印度盧比平行使用。
India was key in assisting the Bhutanese government as it developed its economy in the early 1960s. When the ngultrum was introduced in 1974, it retained the peg to the Indian rupee which the Bhutanese rupee had maintained. The ngultrum is equal in value to the Indian Rupee. The ngultrum does not exchange independently with other nations' currencies but is interchangeable with the Indian rupee.
Amount 幣值 Colour 顏色 Obverse 正面
500 Pink, orange and green Ugyen Wangchuck with the Raven Crown [烏顏‧旺楚克 與 烏鴉皇冠]
100 Green Jigme Singye Wangchuck [吉格梅‧辛格‧旺楚克]
50 Pink, orange and green Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck [吉格梅‧凱薩爾‧納姆耶爾‧旺楚克]
20 Yellow and green Jigme Dorji Wangchuck [吉格梅‧多爾吉‧旺楚克]
10 Dark green and yellow Jigme Singye Wangchuck; Dungkar (conch), one of the eight good luck symbols[吉格梅‧辛格‧旺楚克 和 海螺]
5 Yellow, brown and red Birds [鳥類]
這是紙幣的背面 The Reverse side of the Nu
仔細看每張紙幣背後面都是不同的「宗」 There has different Dzong at the Reverse of Nu
500 - Punakha Dzong 普拉卡宗
100 - Tashichho Dzong 大西丘宗
50 - Trongsa Dzong 通薩宗
20 - Punakha Dzong 普拉卡宗
10 - Paro Dzong 柏羅宗
5 - Taktsang 虎穴寺
下圖是Michael送給我的禮物,原以為他找不到呢~ 到走的那一天他託人拿給我說他找到一個!
This 1 Nu was a gift from Michael. I thought I would never have one. The day that I left, Michael found one then he gave it to Jackie and passed it to me!! I was so happy when I got it. Thank you Michael xx
這是不丹用的硬幣 1Nu!現在也可以在紀念品店都可以買得到!我沒仔細看有什麼,3個不同的硬幣買150Nu,不丹人現在真的憧得賺錢!