


Once I contacted the SBT about our decision, soon Mr. Dechen sent me an information of bank transfer. 

在電郵中會提供以下匯款資料:  The email will mentioned the T/T information as follow:

  • Correspondent Bank 代理匯款銀行 (在美國的)
  • Correspondent Bank Address 代理匯款銀行地址
  • Bank Account of Correspondent Bank 代理匯款銀行帳號
  • Beneficiary's Bank 收款銀行 (在不丹的)
  • Beneficiary's Bank Address 收款銀行地址
  • SWIFT Code SWIFT代號
  • Beneficiary Name 收款人姓名
  • Ultimate Beneficiary Account No 收款人帳號


Maybe you will think why did't I do M/T over here in Vietnam instead of did it in HK.  Vietnam has restrictions on money remittance, we can do the remit by using the name of the company but this was personal, so I would rather ask my mom for helped to do the remit.

當然在匯款前,我媽咪覺得旅費不便宜呢!一次就去了我一個月的薪水 (心痛中...) ,轉帳到國外少不了令人擔心那家旅行社是不是黑店?會不會匯完次後就沒下文 等等... 我跟我媽咪說在不丹旅遊局上面找的呢,聽其他bloggers說旅客的旅費其實是先由不丹旅遊局托管,在旅客完成旅程後, 沒有其他不當地方,不丹旅遊局才放款給旅行社!我媽咪一直說「匯出容易,難追回」!聽她這樣說,我也懷疑了一下,但是Spirit Bhutan Tour在網路上還蠻「有名聲」的~ 其他人都沒問題,為什麼我會有?5千多美金,想一想!要去,就要花!真的被吃掉就認了吧!所以我媽咪也無話可說!我把Mr. Dechen給我的匯款資訊FWD給我媽咪!

As I told before, my mom thought the cost was pricey, remit oversea without knowing anything, it was risky.  I told my mom that, this travel agency is on the list of Tourist Council of Bhutan, also according to other bloggers said that the travel expenses was managed by the TCB, the travel agency will get it after their customers finished their journey without any misfeasance. l My mom still said that "is easy to remit, but difficult to get it back."  But since the SBT had a very good repuations on the websites.  Why it would be a problem? USD $5130... just go for it!!  My mom knew me well, I will not change my mind once I made my decision.  So I forward the email to my mom which provided the M/T information that Mr. Dechen gave me.

我們都是匯豐銀行的用戶... 哈~ 香港人嘛!我媽咪就她把資料給櫃台說要匯款到不丹,櫃台人員看一下,把上面用色的銀行資料代我媽咪在匯款單上 (一看字這麼醜,一定是男的職員填寫的!填完匯款單之後呢,職員自己會核對一下,也叫我媽咪核對一次,要看清楚匯款單上填寫的資料是不是正確的!之後就選擇那一個扣款戶口扣款,簽名確認就OK啦!之後會拿到一張這樣子的綠色單子,我收到我媽咪Whatsapp給我的匯款單(加上護照拍照本一同email給旅行社) 就把它FWD給Mr. Dechen,告訴他「我匯款啦!」

We are the consumer of HSBC... well... I am Hong Konger!!  My mom gave the Bank Remittance information to the bank counter and told that this amount will be transfer to Bhutan.  The counter took a look of it and wrote down everything that my mom (the info that Mr. Dechen gave me) on the money order.  After the counter finished fill out all the information, he doubled check it (why I knew is a he instead of she? It is because of the hand writing) to make sure everything is correct.  He also asked my mom to double check it again.  Then my mom received a green M/O which looked like the picture below.  I received the M/O from my mom via whatsapp, then I fwd this to Mr. Dechen along with our photo"copies" of the passports and told Mr. Dechen that I did remitted!!


我個人是建議去銀行櫃台那邊做匯款,因為網上匯款... 我不太相信網路安全!加上我在韓國時,有一位電腦超級好的同事有次跟我SHOW OFF過他的電腦技術... 所以... 還是去銀行好了!

My personal advice: I will think do the M/T via bank counter is better than doing it via internet.  I don't really trust the internet security system since my colleague in Seoul was show off his skill by hacked into another computer to got some informations, so... bank counter is better. 

回正題,匯款作業需要2-3天!當旅行社收到我這張匯款單護照拍照本後就開始作業,如︰訂機票,申請不丹簽證等等... 當初香港這邊的銀行不知道不丹那邊手續費是多少!綠色的單子上面是沒有收取手續費﹔當然匯款是需要手續費的!!! 只差每間銀行是收多少,匯豐銀行好像沒有收取手續費,是代理匯款銀行和不丹銀行︰HKD $220+150 = HKD $370!確認收到匯款後,匯豐銀行email一份匯款單給我媽咪,就是圖(1) 白色那一張電腦打好的!以上就是我(母親大人) 匯款去不丹的經驗談,給大家作參考!

Back to the topic, the remittance needs 2-3 days to process.  The travel agency will started processing the Bhutan visa and the air ticket etc etc after they received the M/O  We don't know how much for the surchanges of the M/T, so the green M/O has no information of the surcharge. The final R/A will arrived once the surchanges has been collected, like the surchanges from Correspondent Bank HKD $220 and Beneficiary's Bank HKD $150My mom received the final Remittances advice like the first picture. 

Those was the experiences of my mom did the money remittances to Bhuta.  I hope it will help other who will do the BR in the future.


My dearest Mom, thank you for your help.  I will ask my superior pay you back with interest!!!

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