

某天下班後,老闆跟我在吃飯喝啤酒聊天時,老闆覺得自己好辛苦,一直工作,所以決定要出國玩!身為小秘書的我,可以去玩的時候怎可能少了我那一份!我死命的說︰「我也要去!自遊行?」老闆說︰「對!」老闆工作忙,所以機票行程都是小的來安排!原本是決定去我熟悉的首爾,順便去探望好友!決定去首爾後,隔天機票問了- 西貢去仁川,坐CX經香港,回程停香港幾天,價格為USD $712 (taxes included)!住宿也去Agoda訂好,當然是之前出差韓國那些大學幫我訂的Casaville (6 nights) USD $523!看我效率多高吧!

Someday, I had dinner with my superior, he was kind of tired of working, because he didn't really take any rest for 3-4 months!  He also needed to work during the New Year and the Tet too, so he decided to take some days off for holiday.  As his secretary- me, how can he go to have fun without me?!?!  I asked to come along, of course he agreed!!  He had to!! Because he cannot travel by himself... he can either travel with our colleagues or tour.   I am the one who manage everything for him either business or personal.  At first, we decided to go to Seoul, the place that I familiar with, and also I can visit some friends over there.  I booked the tickets and accommodations once we made our decision.  You can see how efficiency I am when it comes to time for fun!!!  The round trip ticket costs USD $712 and accommodations costs USD $523 (Twin beds) for 6 nights!!  I booked everything within 24 hours.

但... 決定去旅行的隔三天早上,老闆突然跟我說︰「我決定要擴大你的旅遊版圖!」我:(??!!) 回神過來,我就說︰「緬甸?尼泊爾?」老闆面有難色!因為某些原因,老闆沒有很想去緬甸!加上我google完旅行社的費用不便宜呢~ 兩人要HKD $2萬!還沒有包去香港的機票!是我選得貴還是?老闆覺得︰這個價格去緬甸,不如去首爾算了!8萬?!? 去首爾多出的2萬給我去血拚好了!所以我很興奮地說︰「那就尼泊爾!我們爬喜瑪拉雅山!」(只差還沒有大跳比yeah~) 我覺得老闆在反我白眼!也難怪,溫室中的小花小草!後來我看到不丹... 心動...4年前已經很想去,連書都買好!價格令我忍... 但去年去的話還沒有漲價呢~ 心痛中... 我說︰「那...就不丹吧!只要付錢,什麼都包!安心吧!... 不過不便宜就是了!」老闆想一想後忍痛決定去不丹!(荷包大失血中...)

BUT... three days later, my superior said to me that, "I decided to expend your travel Dominion."  I was like, "What?!" Then something came up in my mind, and I said,  "Myanmar? Nepal?" My superior gave me a look that "I am not interested!!" plus I googled the expenses for Myanmar, it wasn't cheap!! It costed 20K for two person in HK dollars, not including the accommodation and ticket yet!!  My superior said "I would rather visit Seoul instead of Myanmar with this price..."  So I was so excited and yelled out that "How about Nepal?  We can climb up the Himalayas!!!"  And he gave me a look that seems like I am an idiot... Well, fine!!  After I looked at google map, I saw Bhutan!!  I really wanted to visi Bhutan like 4 years ago, but I was so busy with my schedules, so I was totally forgot about this place afterward.  Then I turned around and said, "How about Bhutan? The costs include everything, such as 3 meals and accommodations... but its quite pricey!!"  My superior though about it and made his decision to visit Bhutan!!

在決定去不丹之後我就上網去找了三間旅行社,分別是︰Spirit Bhutan Tour, Bhutan Footprints 和 Pioneer Journeys TW。

After we made our decision, I googled it up and found three travel agencies:  Spirit Bhutan Tour, Bhutan Footprints and Pioneer Journeys TW.

最快回覆的是Spirit Bhutan Tour!我們算是臨時決定的,希望可以10天後出發,去7天6夜!我們決定選擇 Spirit Bhutan Tour,其實另外兩家報價也不錯!特別是 Pioneer Journeys,12天才比7天的貴USD $500!Spirit Bhutan Tour 和 Bhutan Footprints 差不多,約USD 100以下!看到Pioneer Journeys的價格很心動,但12天... 不成!中間有事,所以就作罷!下次下次!

We knew that we decided at the last moment, we should like to depart within 10 days and go for 7D6N.  We cannot go anywhere after March 10 for some reason, so we must go before that date.  There had quick response from Spirit Bhutan Tour. I can't believe I got respone during the Tet holiday, so we decided go for Spirit Bhutan Tour.  Another two were good too, especailly Pioneer Journeys (since I knew the director...) they gave me a discount.  Compare with Spirit Bhutan Tour and Bhutan Footprints, the price were almost the same.  Seriously, I really want to go for Pioneers, but 12 days it was too long for us, as I told, we need to be back to Saigon before March 10 for some reason.  Well, maybe next time.  Also, I googled up about Spirit Bhutan Tour, there had very good responses from another bloggers who went with this travel agency before.  So why not give it a try!! 

請家人在香港匯款去不丹後,旅行社才會開始作業!你一天沒匯錢,他們就一天都不會動!我媽咪問我︰安不安全?(她問是匯款方面) 我說︰應該沒問題吧!不丹政府有在管!我媽咪繼續問我都是有關錢的問題,一次匯USD $5130呢~ 但是我咬牙的跟我媽咪說︰先匯!沒關係!但是說真的,收了錢有沒有騙我,現在也是不知道呢~

I asked my mom to transfered the money for me, the travel agency will organize once we transfer.  My mom was so worried and asked me something like: "Can it be trust?" "It can be!" I answered, "The Bhutan government has well manage on this." My mom kept asked me about the same things again and again, since USD $5130 isn't a small amount of money!!  But I just told my mom that, "Don't worry!!  Just do the transfer!!  We will not know anything aftward. Just do it." 


Spirit Bhutan Tour 報價如下︰

不丹政府於2012年1月1日起實施新旅遊規費,旅遊規費有淡旺季之分︰ 每年三月至五月 和九月至十一月為旺季﹔ 而每年六月至八月和十二月至二月為淡季。

The Minimum tariff for HIGH season fixed by Bhutan Government is summarized as below (i.e. for the month of March, April, May, September, October and November): 不丹政府把旺季(三月至五月, 和九月至十一月)旅遊規費每人每晚USD250︰

One person:  USD $290 per person per night (USD 250 tariff + USD 40 surcharge) 1名旅客: 每人每晚USD290 (USD250規費 + USD40附加費)

Two person: USD $280 per person per night (USD 250 tariff + USD 30 surcharge) 2名旅客同遊: 每人每晚USD280 (USD250規費 + USD30附加費)

Three persons or up: USD 250 tariff per person per night, no surcharge require  3名或以上旅客同遊: 每人每晚USD250規費

The Minimum tariff for LOW season fixed by Bhutan Government is summarized as below (i.e. for the month of Jan., Feb., June, July, August and December): 而淡季 (六月至八月和十二月至二月)收費 詳情如下︰

One person:  USD $240 per person per night (USD 200 tariff + USD 40 surcharge) 1名旅客: 每人每晚USD240 (USD200規費 + USD40附加費)

Two person: USD $230 per person per night (USD 200 tariff + USD 30 surcharge) 2名旅客同遊: 每人每晚USD230 (USD200規費 + USD30附加費)

Three persons or up: USD 200 tariff per person per night, no surcharge require 3名或以上旅客同遊: 每人每晚USD200規費


Above minimum tariff includes:

* All internal taxes and charges (including the royalty) 所有稅項, 簽證費用, 政府收費, 不丹旅遊局收費等

* Accommodation (extra charge for luxurious accommodation) 所有飯店費用 (額外豪華住宿要另加收費)

* All Meals 所有早, 午, 晚餐

* All travel with a licensed Bhuta tour guide (including all entrance fee)  全程旅遊安排連不丹導遊 (包括所有入場費)

* All internal transport (including driver) 所有不丹境內的交通連司機 (房車, 四驅車, 或旅遊巴, 按人數而定)

* Camping equipment for trekking tours 健行登山所需要的用具

EXCLUDED 以上旅費不包括

*Air ticket to Bhutan 飛往不丹的機票

這次Spirit Bhutan Tour 機票報價︰USD $885 round trip from Bangkok - Paro

Spirit Bhutan Tour would arrange all the travel documents (including visa application) and the purchase of the round trip air tickets between Bhutan and designated ports (usually Bangkok, Singapore , Delhi or Kathmandu[Nepla])

Spirit Bhutan Tour 會幫你處理所需要的旅遊文件,如︰簽證﹔還有幫你訂 由 曼谷,新加坡,新德里,以及尼泊爾等地) 前往不丹的來回機票。

We offer tours arranging from 3 Days to more than three weeks.   行程安排所需時日為3天至3星期不等。 

INFO of Spirit Bhutan Tour

Contact person:  Mr. Dechen Wangdi


Phone: (+975) 1717-0388/ 1763-4180

Skype: spiritbhutantour



Bhutan Footprints 報價如下︰

For 7 Days 6 Nights cost per person: USD $1595.00

Bangkok - Paro - Bangkok, Druk Air fare would be USD $907.00.  Inclusive of airport taxes in economy class.

Package Included 和 Exclued 的東西每家是一樣的! Package Included and Excluded are the same.

INFO of Bhutan Footprint:

Contact Person: Mr. Daza Jigme

Phone: (+975) 1711-8966





Pioneer Journeys TW  主打是印度團!!  This travel agency is mainly focus on India!!

The quote for Bhutan trip for two: USD $2815.00 per person

Package Included 和 Excluded 的東西每家是一樣的! Pakcage Included and Excluded are the same.

Package cost excludes:

1. Air Fare

2. Tips & Gratuities

3. Personal expenses.

4. Travel Insurance

5. Beverages bills, Laundry bills, Phone call

6. Emergency evacuation charges

7. Extra expenses due to the unavidable circumstance beyond our control


INFO of Pioneer Journeys TW




You can go to the website of Tourism Council of Bhutan in order to find the one that you like.



    創作者 老貓 的頭像

    老貓頹廢荒唐過日子 O'Cat's Degenerate Lifestyle

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