Luang Prabang was our main reason for visited Laos.
傍晚抵達龍坡邦! We arrived Luang Prabang in the evening.
Once we stepped out the airport, the taxi counter would be on your right. The taxi fee to the downtown was 50.000 kips for 2 person. Some said it costed 50.000 kip for 1 person, but the lady only asked for 50.000 kip from us...
我們訂了Sita-Norasingh Inn,由機場去約15-20分
We booked a B&B called "Sita-Norasingh Inn, it took around 15-20 mins from the airport.
Contact: Mr. Adisack Saignasith
Tel: (02) 5689-6161
Twin Bed/Upstair 150.000 Kip/night
The room was very clear!! There has 4 guestrooms on the ground floor and 3 guestrooms on the upstair. The price is different for upstair and G floor. The room upstair costs 150.000 kips/ night, and the G floor costs 100.000 kip/night. The English of the B & B owner is very good, you can contact him via email, no need to pay any deposit. Of course you have to notify him if you are not going. I did confirmed with him a week before we arrive.
浴室也很乾淨! The bathroom was clean also.
放下行李,我們就跑去吃晚餐啦!民宿離Sisavangvong Road 所謂的夜市街約10分步行距離,不遠!
After we check-in, we just took off to find something to eat for dinner. There has 10 mins walks from B & B to Sisavangvong Road... not that far away!!
超級多人買晚餐的~ There had many people coming our for their dinner...
這是自助餐呢~ 其實我們看到有兩攤自助餐,但Yuka對那些氣味和賣相不太喜歡,所以無緣吃到傳說中的自助餐了...
This was the buffet that all the bloggers were talked about!! But Yuka disliked the smell and the look of the food, so we decided to eat something else.
我們在這個小巷子買了Mak Toom茶 (水果茶, 20.000Kip一包) 和椰汁小糯米糕 (5000Kip/6個)
We run into this alley and bought some Mak Toom frust tea (20,000 kip per bag) and some coconut glutinous rice cake (5000 kip for 6 pieces)
The stuffs that they sell in the Night Market were almost similar to those that I saw in Vietnam. The only differences were the price and the drawing... We were not really interested into shopping, we did kept our focus on eating!!
(待續...) (To be continue...)