Well, I didn't really plan for anything... I went on the internet and read some information of the Must See places in Vientiane. Beside, Yuka and I hired a driver to drove us for sightseeing.
首先是香崑公園 (神像公園) First stop: Xieng Khuan Park (Buddha Park)
FYI: 上網有人說去早市(Talat Sao)坐巴士14號跟司機說去 "Xieng Khuan"就成!車程約50分。
FYI: The people on the internet said you can go to Talat Sao and take a bus #14, talk to the drive about where are you going "Xieng Khuan". The driver will notify you when its arrive. It takes 50 mins by bus.
我們原本說要坐Tuk Tuk,後來決定請司機坐房車去比較好!天氣好熱哦~ 真的~ 一路上沙塵滾滾!要是坐Tuk Tuk,我們到達時白臉就變成灰臉...
We were planning to take Tuk Tuk to the park, but we changed our mind, we decided to hired a driver would be better. The weather was very hot and the road was dusty. We were lucky that we made a good decision on hired a driver instead of taking Tuk Tuk, I bet our face will be cover with dust when we arrive the park.
There has a hundreds sculptures of Buddhist and Hindu statues scattered around a meadow.
回程時途徑寮泰友誼大橋 Visited a Friendship Bridge of Thai-Laos
就是一條行車橋... 沒什麼特別! Just a bridge...
再來是有名的 Pha That Luang 塔鑾寺!
Then we visited the famous place - Pha That Luang
門票/Ticket:︰5000Kip (0800-1600, 中午休息close at noon)
Pha That Luang旁的不知道是什麼寺廟? I have no idea what's the wat next to Phat That Luang...
哈~ 一路順著走到凱旋門 Patuxay (Victory Gate) 愈上面愈涼,我們待在那邊蠻久的!因為天氣實在太熱了!
We also stopped by Patuxay (Victory Gate), we climbed up there and we stayed there for quite awhile... because of the wind... its did cool us down for a bit.
The view of Vientiane from the Victory Gate
Hor Phakeo 玉佛寺
門票︰... 好像沒收錢呢~ no entrance fee??
裡面不給拍照! No photography inside the Wat
Sisaket Museum 西薩菊寺
The temple in the centre of the complex contains some really nice murals
欣賞一下我好友的拍照英姿! What a pose!!!
這位就是帶我們一整天的司機... Toyota四門房車 USD $55/車
This was the drive who we hired for whole day... US $55/car
要他帶我們去喝Fruit Shake, 又去吃小吃... 人非常有禮貌!英文還不錯啦!
He took us to drink the Yummy fruit shake and ate some local snacks. He was very polite and he spoke good English
想要他的資料,我要找找看! If you want some information about him... I have to look for his name card...
(待續...) (To be contines...)