
我很少post行李整理的文章,好像上次有關行李的是我裡面全都是食物... 吃呀~ 我的人生就是吃和睡比較重要... 哈哈~ 我Onni一直問我為什麼我可以整理得這麼快,好像今日下機明天(或後天) 飛去別的地方﹔最重要的是兩個氣候完全不一樣的地方,我怎樣整理?我可以下機回家後一個小時把我29吋的行李清空再放入別的東西!真的~ 上圖就是我將會帶去不丹的東西!行李箱是用24吋的!雖然看起來滿滿的,其實行李還有很多位置放東西的呢~

I didn't really post any article about packing... like last time my suitcase was full of food... Eating and sleeping are very important in my life.  My Onni (Korean)  asked me once about how am I organized my stuff, such as I can land today and depart tomorrow to another country with different climates...  How am I organize my luggage?  How can I empty my 29" luggage within an hour in order to put in another stuff and taking off tomorrow!!  Well, I don't know!!!  hahaha.... The picture above was the things that I bought to Bhutan!!  I used 24" suitcase instead of 29"!  From the way that I took, I did bought a lot of stuffs with me, it looked quite full, but it still have a lot of empty space left for souvenirs!!!

首先才介紹一下我的外套s︰ First let me introduce my jackets!!!

因為不丹的天氣早午晚溫差大,所以我帶了一件保暖,一件防風的外套 (本人是不太怕冷的~)

As I heard the weather/temperture in Bhutan can change within a day, so I bought a jacket which can keep me warm and another would be windcheater!! 


橘色那一件是防寒用的 ("金寶志"Cambodia的朋友送... 我對他所選的顏色有點微言... 橘色... 上次是迷彩,這次是橘色...) 算吧,可以保暖就好了!這件外套本身很薄,聽un咕咕說很保暖!

This orange colour jacket is going to keep me warm, it was from a friend in Cambodia...  The colour that he picked wasn't that... hum... I like... Last time he gave me a snowboard jacket with camouflage colour... Well, what can I say!!  It was a gift from friend!!  Thank you for that, it did kept me warm at night in Bhutan.  This jacket is quite light, not really taking any space in my luggage...  Ungoogoo (my friend's daughter) said it worked well for kept her warm when she was in Taiwan during her winter break.


這一件是陪我征戰多次 (才3年)的好伙伴防風外套,去埃及﹑印度﹑土耳其﹑寮國... 比較落後的國家我就穿著它!它有內袋,可以放護照和錢!所有口袋都有拉鏈,我可以把我需要的東西放在外套裡﹔外面在背相機就算了!

Another is a windcheater also the one which followed me to some places such as Egypt, India, Turkey and Laos; and now Bhutan too.  There has interior pockets and zip for every pockets on the jacket.  I can put everything I needs into those pockets, and the only thing that I needs to carry would be my camera.


I just found out that most of my jackets are the same brand...



這兩袋是衣服s和褲子s,上面有寫...  Those two zipper bags were clothes and pants...


衣服... 我個人覺得用卷的不一定是好的!我帶的全是薄薄的短袖T-shirt!裡面一共有7件!看不出來吧!如果把這些薄T用捲的,非常容易皺掉!我很討厭衣服皺掉!所以我一件件摺好再把它放入密封袋中!為什麼用密封袋?因為就算行李算濕,裡面的衣服還是沒事!我以前用尼龍面的行李箱,某次在美國下大雪時,我行李都濕了,但是裡面的東西完全沒事!

Personally, I don't think roll up the clothes is a good idea for packing!! Its really depend!!!  I bought 7 short T-shirts with me.  If I roll it all up, it will crumple!!  I hate my clothes are crumple, so I fold it well then put it all into a zipper bag!  Why?  My clothes are still dry even though my suitcase is wet by some reason.  Once I was used the nylon suitcase, it was snowing in the States, my suitcase was all wet, but my clothes and pants were all fine. 


**I will roll up my winter clothes in order to save some more spaces!!**


為什麼帶薄T?因為中午熱呀!中午看氣溫好像都有20度左右呢~ 外面套件防風的,裡面是薄T,剛剛好!晚上冷換另一件外套就ok啦!看下圖,可以想像有7件T-shirts在裡面嗎?

Why I will bring the Short T-shirt with me?  It will be hot at noon, I took a look of the weather forecast of Bhutan, it can be up to 20 degree??  Finally, my decision was correct, I wore T-shirt inside and a jacket in the day time, it was just prefect for the weather in Bhutan for this time of the year. (But the temperture was quite cold in Paro... I had to wore two light jackets inside of one...) Can you believe that there has T-shirts inside this zipped bag??


另外一邊的行李是睡衣,毛衣 (內衣在下面),運動鞋一雙!為什麼帶毛巾?個人習慣!去不太先進的國家我習慣會帶自己用的毛巾!裡面有分睡覺內的,洗臉內的還有洗澡用的毛巾!我個人一定要帶睡覺用的毛巾,用來擦口水嘛 我另外穿TOMS去,因為夠輕便又好走!我的運動鞋在去Tiger Nest之前竟然爛掉  我被迫穿著TOMS去登山,但我建議... TOMS真的不合適!!! Timberland 比較適合!!

There was my pajamas, towels and sport shoes...  I like to used my own towels!!  I wore TOMS along, and my Sport Shoe was worn out during the trip, just right before we went to Tiger Nest... TOMS wasn't a good shoe for going to Tiger Nest!!! Timberland would be the best choice!!!



用到很舊的塑膠袋... 裡面是衛浴用品!用塑膠袋放可以以防它流出來!

hum...as you can see this zipper bag has been following me for some times... those were bathing supplies!!  Using the zipper bag avoid its exude.



防水的保養包 和 牙刷/牙膏! Just daily used supplies...



本小姐行李箱最大特色︰零食!我一定要帶零食... 你可以問我跟我去旅行的朋友,我隨時隨地都要吃零食!這是我在美國買我最愛吃的零食~

The characteristic of my suitcase is Snacks!!  I have to carry snacks along...  I needs to eat all the time!!  Those were my favorite snacks!!



防曬乳和保濕 一定要帶!!!!! 連我回來後就曬到有一點點脫皮!老闆更不用說,臉黑了一大圈 + 頭皮脫皮!保濕呢~ 因為那邊真的很乾!一定一定要帶!

Sunblock and moisturise is a MUST bring along with you during the trip!!!! 


以上就是我帶去不丹的東西啦! Those were the stuffs that I packed for the trip to Bhutan!!

還沒有拍到的是拖鞋﹑充電器專用包 和 藥品包!!  Slippers, Electoric supplier and medicinal supplier are not in it yet...

P.S. 不論夏天或是冬天衣物,髒衣服我全用捲,一捲捲的放進袋子裡面!

P.S. I will roll up ALL my dirty clothes into a pastic bag no matter its summer or winter !!!







另外我有收集杯子的習慣,我會把薄的衣服捲一捲放進杯子裡面﹔外面再用其他衣物 (如︰牛仔褲、毛衣等)包著它!我有帶紅酒杯回來,先用薄T把杯子的把手部份包好,再一樣用另一件T捲一捲放進去,外面再包另一件衣服!我是一定不會放socks在杯子中,好嘔呢~


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