

清晨有布施,我們早起出發去看看!但出了一個小狀況,就是民宿老闆把大門鎖住了! 我們花了9牛2虎之力才把大門打開!開了之後怎樣鎖... 這個嘛... 我們只把門關好就算... 嘻~

Giving alms to the Monks in the early morning...  Yuka and I woke up very early in the morning to take a look of how the local people giving alms to the monks; but there had a small problem, the main enterence door was knocked up by the B&B owner.  It took us some times to open it... how can we knock it again from outside... well... we didn't!!  We just closed it and then went away!

05:30 我們選了一個只有幾個觀光客在等的某個寺廟,沒多久,僧侶就來了!陸陸續續的... (好像旁邊有賣粥的那一家寺廟)

At 05:30, we picked a place with only few tourists; we didn't wait for long until the monks came...




When the sky was bright, we walked toward Wat Xieng Tong... While we walked, we saw some "alms vendors" who let the tourists to experienced how to giving alms.



在往前就會看到一堆有的沒有的人在阻街!當然是觀光客!在布施的也是觀光客!沒多久我和Yuka看到後覺得很不爽的事!看到下圖的穿著綠衣的女生嗎?僧侶在走,她就阻在前面不給僧侶走!還要僧侶「讓」路給她...因為人家大小姐在拍照!什麼跟什麼?圖中所看到的觀光客完全沒有尊重僧侶,尊重別人的文化!沒禮貌到極點!我們看到超不爽的! 我們後來討論覺得,再過多2年吧,這裡都會變得商業化!一定會!現在已經是這樣子!之後會比較好嗎?不覺得呢~ 沒品的觀光客!

We just kept walking, then we saw a bunch of crazy tourists were blocking the street. Tourists were massed up and taking pictures like crazy.  What the tourists wanted was the local culture and instead got a bunch of other tourists interfering in their quaint local ceremony.  There had something which made me and Yuka quite upset about was the lady in green of the picture below.  She blocked the way of the monks, and the monks had to made way for her.  How respect she was?!?!  The bloody tourist were no respect of the monks and local cultures.  After two more years, the local cultur will be influence by the tourist and being more commercialize.



看完僧侶布施,我們繼續前往香通寺走!來到香通寺看到傳說中的生命之樹!很漂亮!我們在拍照時有3-4個小僧侶跑來跟我們問好聊天。聊到一半,莫名其妙的有位西方觀光客突然抽進來跟我們在聊天的小僧侶說「我可以幫你拍照嗎?」拜託,你看不見我們在聊天嗎?有點禮貌好不好!小僧侶很不舒服的點頭,看到他很勉強的笑!好可憐哦~ 我跟Yuka說︰我們不可以學她哦~ Yuka也點頭說嗯~

After the alms giving, we continued to our walk to Wat Xieng Thong!! Wat Xieng Thong is generally considered to be the most historically significant and magnificent of Luang Prabang's temples.  The original temple was built in 1560 under the royal patronage of King Setthathirath and was the site of royal coronations and festivals for centuries to follow.  On the rear wall of the sim there has a glass mosaic of a tree of life.

While we picture taking, there had 3-4 little monks came to said Hello to us and asked us a bunch of questions.  While we were talking, there had a bloody tourist came and distrubed our talks.  She ran over toward the monks and asked "Can I take a picture of you?" The little monk nodded, but we can saw how uncomfortable he was.  Poor little monk!!  I turned to Yuka and said "We shouldn't do what she did!!"  Yuka nodded. 




After visiting Wat Xieng Thong, we went back the same way and found something to eat for breakfast...

在路上跑去旅行社參加中午的Kouang Si Waterfall... 旅行社價格... 我再補上... 其實沿路有很多家旅行社,價格差不多!只是我們想參加半天的,大部份都是一天兩天的!我們決定去瀑布是因為在永珍的reception的家鄉是龍坡邦!他建議我們去看瀑布!他說Pak Ou Caves是人工造成的!人工造的可看可不看!但大自然的一定要看!

We also went to check out on the local travel agency of the price for visiting Kwang Si Waterfall & Bear Rescue Centre.  The prices were almost the same.  But Yuka and I only wanted to take a half day tour, but most of the tour were come with 1 day or two. 

The reason why we decded to visited Kwang Si Waterfall was which recommanded by the receiption of the guest house that we stayed in Vientiane.  Luang Prabang is his home town.  He said Pak Ou Caves was not made by natural, it was made by human!!  Not worth to see!!  Kwang Si Waterfall was totall natural!!  We should play a visit.



中午來到Kouang Si Waterfall!還蠻舒服的~ 涼涼的~ 看到有些人可游泳的地方跳水的!我們害羞才不會在這裡穿著泳衣給人看!加上沒什麼身材... (自悲中...)

We joined the local tour at noon to Kouang Si Waterfall, quite comfy!!  There has a place for people to jump into the water, Yuka and I were so shy to wear a swimming suit in front of a bunch of people... nothing to show off...




I have no idea what did those French doing??  Surrounding the tree for what??



從Kouang Si Waterfall回來剛好碰上日落,但是我們沒有上去!因為要錢呀!主要原因,我倆累翻了,不想再爬!! 我們有考慮要上去,但是決定不了!所以我們猜拳,上天決定!後來上天決定我們還是不要上去了!

After we came back from Kouang Si Waterfall, we just catch up for the sunset in Mount Phou Si (meaning Holy Mountain in Lao).  We didn't go to take a look of the sunset because it costs 20,000kip entrance fee.  The main reason was we were so tired, we didn't want to climb up the stairs.  We did struggle about should we go up or not, so we played rock-scissors-paper and let the god decided.  And probably the god knew that we were very tired, so we didn't go.



(待續...) (To be continue...)


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